When you’re faced with a situation that requires the services of a bail bondsman, deciding which bail bond company to go with can be a difficult task. There are often so many companies to choose from that it can seem overwhelming, and in many cases people choose either the first person they call or whoever has the lowest price.
The right licensed bail bonds representative will be with you for the duration of your case, and you can depend on their company to remind you when you need to be in court, so it’s important to choose a reliable, professional and experienced company.
Protect yourself and your family by following these few simple consumer tips when looking for a bail bondsman.
Do Your Research
When searching for a bail bonds agency, take the time to find someone you trust. Read their website, find reviews from past clients, and speak to the bail agency personally before you make a commitment. If you are not fully comfortable, do not enter into a bail bond agreement with them.
Ask About Payment Options
Before you enter into an agreement with a bail bondsman, make sure you are clear on the payment options. All good bail bondsmen should be willing to work out a payment plan that works for you. Make sure you fully understand the payment process, whether you’re paying all at once or signing up for a payment plan. Your charges should be itemized and explained to your satisfaction. Also, be sure you are given receipts for all charges.
Read All of the Paperwork
Just like with any financial commitment, when it comes to bail bond services, take time to read and understand the terms of the agreement prior to signing. Even if you fully trust the company you are working with, you need to make sure you actually agree with the terms of agreement! Remember, even if the charges are dropped in the early stages of the case, you will still need to complete all of the premium payments.
Once you have read and agreed to all of the paperwork, make sure to get copies of all signed contracts and agreements for your own protection.
Ask Questions!
You are not only paying for the bond, but you are also paying for a service. You should have a comfortable working relationship with the bail bond services you select. If you’re not sure how bail works or if you have any questions about the bond process, you should feel free to ask your bail bondsman. Your bail bond agent should be available to happily answer all your questions and address your concerns, even after the bail bond has been posted.
A good bail bond company will always be there to support you throughout the entire process, and part of that is making sure your questions are answered and your mind is at ease.
Our Bondsmen Are Here for You
Pickens Bail Bonds strives to make sure that we are more than just a bail bond company, but a true ally that will help you through the difficult process of being arrested and charged with a criminal offense. Our customer reviews speak for themselves, and there’s a reason why we have a reputation as the best bail bond company around.
You only need to pay a small percentage of the bail amount when securing a bond through us. We are readily available as soon as you call. Our bondsmen are here to answer any questions you have throughout the bail process, and we will keep you informed about court dates.We hope that these consumer tips are helpful, and if you or someone you know needs bail bond services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call! We are here 24/7 to help in any way possible.
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